Alyssum montanum L.
Brassicales Bromhead
(krstašice (Hr), Schlosser, J.C.K.; Vukotinović, Lj., 18693132)
(gromotulja (Hr), Nikolić, T., 201912707, gromotulja (Hr), Domac, R., 19944, turica (Hr), Schlosser, J.C.K.; Vukotinović, Lj., 1876141)
Place of publishing:
Sp. Pl. 650 (1753)
Taxon author(s)
1. Carl von,Carl von
Adyseton montanum (L.) P. Gaertn., B. Mey. et Scherb., sinonim (s), Oekonom.-Techn. Fl. Watterau 2: 425 (1800)
, Adyseton montanum Scop., sinonim (s), Fl. Carniol., ed. 2. 2: 14. 1772
, Alyssum montanum auct., sinonim (s)
, Alyssum montanum sensu ALI, S. I., S. M. H. JAFRI & A. EL-GADI - Flora of Libya. Al Faateh University, Tripoli, 1976 [i.e. 1977]-1989. 1-147; Gymnosperms. 1986., sinonim (s)
, Alyssum montanum sensu BOULOS, L. (ed.) - A check-list of the Libyan flora. Cairo, 1977. 1: Publ. Cairo Univ. Herb. 7-8: 115-141. 1977; A check-list of the Libyan flora. Genève, 1979-... 2: Candollea 34: 21-48. 1979; 3 (Composées/JEFFREY): l.c. 34: 307-332. 1979; l.c. 35: 565-567. 1980; 4:..., sinonim (s)
, Alyssum montanum sensu EMBERGER, L. & R. MAIRE - Catalogue des plantes du Maroc. Minerva, Alger, 1941. 4: LIX-LXXV, [i], [915]-1181. 1941 [supplément aux volumes 1, 2 et 3] -27., sinonim (s)
, Alyssum montanum sensu JAHANDIEZ, E. & R. MAIRE - Catalogue des plantes du Maroc. Minerva, Lechevalier, Alger, 1931-1934. 1: [I]-XL, [1]-[160]. 1931; 2: [vi], [161]-[558]. 1932; 3: [LI]-LVII, [i], [559]-[914]. 1934; [4: (= suppl.) - 16]., sinonim (s)
, Alyssum montanum sensu MAIRE, R. & al. - Flore de l'Afrique du Nord. 1: [1]-366. 1952; 2: Lechevalier, Paris 1952., sinonim (s)
, Alyssum montanum sensu QUÉZEL, P. & S. SANTA - Nouvelle flore de l'Algérie et des régions désertiques méridionales. Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris, 1962-1963. 1: [1]-413. 1962; 2: [1]-566. 1963., sinonim (s)
, Alyssum montanum subsp. atlanticum (Desf.) Baumgartner, sinonim (s), Baumgartner in Jahresber. Nieder-Österr. Landes-Lehrersem. Wiener-Neustadt 34. 1907.
, Alyssum montanum subsp. atlanticum (Desf.) Nyman, sinonim (s), Consp. Fl. Eur.
, Alyssum pedemontanum Rupr., sinonim (s), Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint Pétersbourg, Sér. 7 15 (2): 102. 1869
, Alyssum thessalum Halácsy, pro-parte sinonim (pp.), Consp. Fl. Graec. 1: 95. 1900
, Alyssum vourinonense T. R. Dudley et Rech. f., sinonim (s), Oesterr. Bot. Z. 113: 265. 1966
Common names:
siva gromotulja (Hr), Nikolić, T., 201912707, siva gromotulja (Hr), Domac, R., 19944, turica sieda (Hr), Schlosser, J.C.K.; Vukotinović, Lj., 1876141, mountain Alyssum (En), Grey-Wilson, C.; Blamey, M., 19957399
Images from herbaria