

Data on Croatian vascular flora from database Flora Croatica Database (CROFlora) are from several sources:

1 Flora Croatica - taxonomic and related data

A basic list of about 12000 taxa originates from database for middle Europe FLOREIN 4.1 ((Interaktives Programm zur Bearbeitung floristischer Daten, Zentrallstelle für Floristischer Kartierung Deutschland), and it was used by author’s approval. This list contains the list of Central European Flora according to:

This List has been modified, supplemented and changed regarding qualitative structure of Croatian flora and according to: Checklist of Croatian flora was made by several authors, as follows: 2 Ecological data

Data on 44 ecological parameters for 7300  taxa (according to 14 references, Ellenberg, Landolt, Kowarick, Klapp, etc.) were obtained from two sources:

3 Authors of plant names

Data on authors of taxa names are standardised according to:

Data were obtained in digital form by kindness of Mr. R. K. Brummitta, and are included in Flora Croatica database in toto (full name, short name, the field of research, the year of birth and death, etc.) This data are part of valid names of taxa.

4 Classification system

Flora Croatica Database have the systematic arrangement according to:

5 Data on endangered taxa

Red data sources of informations are incorporated in database according to the following references:
Area or regulation Author (s) Published Title
Albania Vangjeli, J.; Ruci, B.; Mullaj, A. 1995 Red Book. Threatened and Rare Plants Species of Albania, Academy of Science - Albania, Institute of Biological Research
Austria Niklfeld, H. 1986 Rote Liste gefährdeter Pflanzen Österreich. Gruene Reihe Bundesminist. Gesund. Umweltschutz, Wien 5:28-131.
Baden-Würtenberg Harms, K. H.; Philippi, G.; Seybold, S. 1983 Verschollene und gefährdete Oflanzen in Baden-Würtenberg. Rote Liste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen. Beih. Veroeff. Naturschutz Landschaftspflege Bad.-Wuerttemb. 32: 1-157
Bayern Schönfelder, P. 1987 Rote Listen der gefährdeter der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Bayerns. Neubearbeitung 1986. Schriftenr. Bayer. Landesamt Umweltschutz 72:1-77.
Berlin Böcker, R.; Auhagen, A.; Brockmann, H.; Heinze, K.; Kowarik, I.; Scholz, H.; Sukopp, H.; Zimmermann, F. 1991 Liste der wildwachsenden Farn- und Blütenpflanzen von Berlin (West) mit Angaben zur Gefährdung der Sippen, zum Zeitpunkt ihres ersten spontanen Auftretens und zu ihrer Etablierung im Gebiet sowie zur Bewertung der Gefährdung. In Auhagen, A., Platen, R.,Sukopp, H.: Rote Listen der gefährdeten Pflanzen und Tiere in Berlin, Schwerpunkt Berlin (West). Landschaftsentwiclung und Umweltforschung 6:57-100.
Bern Convention 1 Anonymus 1998 Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats (Bern/Berne, 19.IX.1979) European Treaty Series/104. (+Apendices I-IV). Council of the European Communities 2-25. Bern Convention 1979 - Appendix I
Bern Convention 2 Anonymus 1996 Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats (Bern/Berne, 19.IX.1979) European Treaty Series/104. (+Apendices I-IV). Council of the European Communities 2-25. Bern Convention - Recommendation. No. 49 (1996)
Bosna & Hercegovina ©iliæ, È. 1996 Spisak biljnih vrsta (Pteridophyta i Spermatophyta) za Crvenu knjigu Bosne i Hercegovine. Glas. Zemaljskog Muz. Bosne Hercegovine Sarajevu, N.S. 31:323-367.
Brandenburg Lindacher, R. 1995 PHANART, Datenbank der Gefässpflanzen Mitteleuropas. Erklärung der Kennzahlen, Aufbau und Inhalt. Veroeff. Geobot. Inst. Eidg. Techn. Hochsch. Stift. Ruebel Zuer. 125:3-436.
CITES     CITES web site:
Europe 1 Anonymus 1991 European Red List of Globally Threatened Animals and Plants, and recommendations on its application as adopted by the Economic Commission for Europe at its forty-sixth session (1991) by decision D (46). United Nations Publication iii-v, 1-153.
Europe 2 Schnittler, M.; Köppel, C.; Rennwald, E.; Hirneisen, N. 2001 European National Red List of Threatened Vascular Plants. Project report and description of the corresponding data base. Third stage. Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural habitats. Standing Committee 21st meeting, Strasbourg, 26. November-30.
Habitat Directive Annex II Anonymus 1992 Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora. Annex I-VI. Council of the European Communities.
Habitat Directive Annex IV Anonymus 1992 Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora. Annex I-VI. Council of the European Communities.
Habitat Directive Annex V Anonymus 1992 Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora. Annex I-VI. Council of the European Communities.
Hrvatska/Croatia Nikoliæ, T. ed. 1994-2000 Popis flore Hrvatske. Index Florae Croaticae. Pars 1-3. Nat. Croat. 3, 6, 9; Sup. 2,1,1; 1-116,1- 232, 1-324
Hrvatska/Craotia 1 ©ugar, I. ed. 1994 Crvena knjiga biljnih vrsta Republike Hrvatske. Ministarstvo graditeljstva i za¹tite okoli¹a, Zavod za za¹titu prirode.
Hrvatska/Croatia 3 Nikoliæ, T.; Topiæ, J. eds. 2005 Crvena knjiga vaskularne flore Hrvatske. Red Data Book of Vascular Flora of Croatia. Ministarstvo kulture, Dr¾avni zavod za za¹titu prirode.
Hrvatska/Croatia 4 - On-Line Nikoliæ, T.; Topiæ, J.  2005-On Line On-Line Crvena knjiga vaskularne flore Hrvatske. Red Data Book of Vascular Flora of Croatia. Prirodoslovno-matematièki fakultet, Sveuèili¹te u Zagrebu.
Hrvatska/Croatia 5 Anaonymus 2004 SZB-Strogo za¹tiæene biljke (NN: 100; 20. 7. 2004) i ZB-Za¹tiæene biljke (NN: 100; 20. 7. 2004)
Italija Conti, F.; Manzi, A.; Pedrotti, F. 1997 Liste Rosse Regionali delle Piante d'Italia. Societa Botanica Italiana.
IUCN Red List 1997 Walter, K. S.; Gillett, H. J. 1998 1997. IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants. IUCN v-lxii,1-862.
IUCN Red List 2000 (on-line) Anonymus 2000 2000 On-Line IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants
IUCN Red List 2002 (on-line) Anonymus 2002 2002 On-Line IUCN Red List  of Threatened Plants
IUCN Red List 2003 (on-line) Anonymus 2003 2003 On-Line IUCN Red List  of Threatened Plants
Yugoslavia (SiCG) Stevanoviæ, V. 1999 Crvena knjiga flore Srbije 1. I¹èezli i krajnje ugro¾eni taksoni. Ministarstvo za ¾ivotnu sredinu Republike Srbije.
Hungary Horváth, F.; Dobolyi, Z. K.; Morschhauser, T.; Lõkös, L; Karas, L.; Szerdahelyi, T. 1995 Flóra adatbázis 1.2. Taxonlist és attribútum-állomány. MTA Ökologiai és Botanikai Kutatóintézete.
Mittelfranken Lindacher, R. 1995 PHANART, Datenbank der Gefässpflanzen Mitteleuropas. Erklärung der Kennzahlen, Aufbau und Inhalt. Veroeff. Geobot. Inst. Eidg. Techn. Hochsch. Stift. Ruebel Zuer. 125:3-436.
Njemaèka Korneck, D.; Sukopp, H. 1988 Rote Liste der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ausgestorbenen, verschollenen und gefährdeten farn- und Blütenpflanzen und ihre Auswertung für den Arten und Biotopschultz. Schriftenr. Vegetationskd. 19:1-210.
Oberfranken Lindacher, R. 1995 PHANART, Datenbank der Gefässpflanzen Mitteleuropas. Erklärung der Kennzahlen, Aufbau und Inhalt. Veroeff. Geobot. Inst. Eidg. Techn. Hochsch. Stift. Ruebel Zuer. 125:3-436.
Slovenia Wraber, T.; Skoberne, P. 1989 Rdeèi seznam ogro¾enih praprotnic in semenk SR Slovenije. Var. Narave 14-15:9-429.
Serbia (SiCG) Stevanoviæ, V. 1999 Crvena knjiga flore Srbije 1. I¹èezli i krajnje ugro¾eni taksoni. Ministarstvo za ¾ivotnu sredinu Republike Srbije.
Switzerland Landolt, E. 1991 Gefährdung der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen in der Schweiz mit gesamtschweizerischen und regionalen roten Listen. Selbstverlag.
Türingen Lindacher, R. 1995 PHANART, Datenbank der Gefässpflanzen Mitteleuropas. Erklärung der Kennzahlen, Aufbau und Inhalt. Veroeff. Geobot. Inst. Eidg. Techn. Hochsch. Stift. Ruebel Zuer. 125:3-436.
Unterfranken Lindacher, R. 1995 PHANART, Datenbank der Gefässpflanzen Mitteleuropas. Erklärung der Kennzahlen, Aufbau und Inhalt. Veroeff. Geobot. Inst. Eidg. Techn. Hochsch. Stift. Ruebel Zuer. 125:3-436.

6 Vernacular names

Vernacular names are given according to several authors and web resources (list in preparation):

7 Other data

Information on doubtful data (taxonomic or horologic) as well as on taxa cultivated or cultivated and naturalised are available on Web interface. This data derived from the Checklist of Croatian flora (Nikoliæ 1994, 1996, 2000, see above).

8 Photo/video documentation  (in the construction!)

Photo documentation is related to the Checklist of Croatian flora, and is of multiple origin:

Photo documentation from database is not available as a whole by Web interface

9 Comments and supplements

Comments and supplements are wellcome. All comments and supplements with valid arguments and proved by scientific methodology (nomenclature remarks, synonyms, basyonyms, valid names of taxa, taxonomic status) please send to:

Toni Nikoliæ doc. dr. sc., DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY , Division of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Maruliæev trg 20/2, HR-10 000 Zagreb / tel. (++385 1) 48 44 003  fax. (++385 1) 48 44 001,

Supplements for photo documentation should be in a digital form (minimum 300 x 300 dpi, jpg or other suitable format).

Maintain: T. Nikoliæ. Last changes: 29.01.2007. In collaboration with CARNet.